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Huỳnh Ngọc Thịnh

Huỳnh Ngọc Thịnh

Pu erh Tea

Different Names Of Pu erh tea There is a special type of Chinese tea called Pu erh tea or Pu’er. Traviet will show you in this page The Unique Characters People who make Pu erh tea selected from the Shan tea buds which grow…

Pu-erh Tea Benefits

Pu-erh Tea Benefits There are many studies on pu-erh tea benefits to prove its ability to fight many diseases. Pu-erh tea benefits effect of coronary heart disease or preventing sclerosis. Moreover, it has a very strong inhibitory effect on bacteria,…

Ginger Benefits For Health

About Ginger Ginger is a popular ingredient in cooking, and especially in Asian and Indian cuisine. It has also been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes. This ingredient is available fresh and dried, as ginger extract and ginger…

Oolong Tea Health Benefits

Wonderful Oolong Tea Health Benefits As with other teas, oolong tea benefits are very broad, ranging from health values ​​to happy feelings as you enjoy. Oolong tea is made from young buds, leaves and stalks of tea, fermented in part, for the taste…

Organic Jasmine Green Tea

Organic Jasmine Green Tea – The Difference Of Tra Viet The perfect combination of Tran Ninh Shan Tea and the flower buds are added to the sunny day, creating a jasmine tea with mild fragrance, passion. Organic jasmine green tea has…

Lotus Tea

Types Of Lotus Green Tea In Vietnam Lotus green tea is considered a representative tea of ​​the tea culture of Vietnam, contributing to the world tea culture. This tea becomes a typical spirit of Vietnamese tea culture, bringing in many…

Chamomile Tea Benefits

The Wonderful Chamomile Tea Benefits Chamomile is a multi-purpose herb. People used it as a traditional remedy for thousands of years to treat many disorders. This amazing herb also has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Therefore, chamomile can treat many diseases. Chamomile tea…

Tea Box

Tea box –  Premium Tea Gift Our team at TraViet consists of a team of tea expert together with a professional designing team, which make us the feild leader when it comes to providing customized gift sets for corporation, travelling…

Tea Tins

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]  The Tea Tins – Tin package Tea Tins – The box make from tin material which is the good ideal for tea to keep smell of its. Overal, we covered this box by a red color and apricot blossom symbol. Our…