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Organic Jasmine Green Tea

Organic Jasmine Green Tea – The Difference Of Tra Viet

The perfect combination of Tran Ninh Shan Tea and the flower buds are added to the sunny day, creating a jasmine tea with mild fragrance, passion. Organic jasmine green tea has yellow color, aromatic smell, moderate taste, anti-aging effect, prevent cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal tract.

Green Tea – The Main Material

The producers use Thai Nguyen Green Tea or Shan tea from high mountain. Special Thai Nguyen green tea is one of the most famous traditional Vietnamese tea. The reason why people choose Thai Nguyen tea, to flavor incense is the main feature of jasmine tea. The “sweet little cashew” characteristics and incense scent of the small time. Especially, the color of water yellowish green is the characteristics can not be found in any other tea.

Using Pure Jasmine Flowers

Tea producer makes organic jasmine green tea by many layers of tea and jasmine flowers in respectively. Then, with the old flowers, dry tea and again marinated with new flowers. After that, making it from 4 to 5 times the smell of fresh tea penetrates into the fiber. Flavor of tea is not resistant to high temperatures, so when brewing tea, you have to care about the temperature. The flavor of tea will fly away almost if the water is too hot.

Using Jasmine Flavor

Creating a jasmine tea with mild fragrance, passion. Flowers are just when the jar is the strongest flavor, must brew tea at that time to transfer the fragrance of flowers to tea. Organic jasmine green tea has high humidity, so people use licorice to make juice, spray evenly on tea, as well as create moisture to increase the tea.

Moreover, people said that organic jasmine green tea should use at low temperature water. The requirement is 80 degrees, because it is not burn the aroma of jasmine oil has penetrated in tea. Using high temperature water will cause the tea to “burn”, creating a slightly scented smell, tea will clutter and tighten the mouth.

Organic jasmine green tea
Organic jasmine green tea leaves
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