Chado Art
First thing to remember, Chado is a drinking style that aim to a spirit valuation. Throughout all the tea celebration was set before, everyone drink tea in a nice and quite atmosphere. Just stop at the present time, enjoy a cup of nice tea and feel your inner peace.
Moreover, Chado ceremony is a wonderful shade for your soul to relax as well as your body is given the strength. So you will find out who you are and who you want to be. By finding peaceful and satisfied, both physically and mentally.
We have a way to be happier : It’s Chado.
Chado – Vietnam
Chado – a drinking style that appeared in the reign of Le. It was famous and loved by all patricians and scholar gentries in Vietnam. The most prosperous period in the reign of Le and in the early reign if Nguyen.
Tea Brewing Tools

Brew Tea
Chado is an art of small things such as jackfruit seed-size cup, jackfruit seed-size pot…. Along with the careful control of water and heat in order to maximize tea flavor. In Vietnam, the most typical and traditional kind is Green Tea.
Enjoy Tea
Not only good tea, flowers, aloeswood and candle also being used for a quite tea ceremony night. Furthermore, enjoy tea is a way to entertain one’s mind to reach peace and happiness.
Chanoyu – Japan
Chado of Japan appeared on an ancient ceremony in 15 century. They use an unique tea powder name “Matcha”. Matcha powder is stirred with hot water and drinked with a big bowl. This drinking style was found by Rikyu – a Buddhist priest. Chado in Japan stress in “Do” word – means Movement. That is why every move in brewing tea must be set really strict.
Tea Brewing Tools

Brew Tea

They use an unique tea powder name “Matcha”

First, Use “Hishaku” to scoop hot water from the Pot (Kama) to the Bowl ( Chawan)

Then Use stirring tool (Chasen) to stir out the powder with water
Drink Tea

Hold the Tea bowl with right hand and then place it in hollow of left hand.

Spin the bowl to clockwise 3 times with right hand

After finishing, first wipe the place you just put your mouth on with right hand.
Sencondly, spin the bowl to clockwise and give it back to the tea host.
Gongfu Cha – China
China is the biggest center of Chado. They created the changes to bring Tea from a refresher to a whole new art and spread it out to nearly countries. Chado in China tress in “Beauty” word. After all, it’s aim to good tea and the fineness in choosing tea, pot and brewing technique.
Tea Brewing Tools

Brew Tea

First, Use wood spoon to scoop tea and put it into the pot.

Second, Pout hot water in, change the height repeatedly to make pressure on tea leaves.

Finally, Pour the tea out into the Chen Tong, from Chen Tong to Ong Ngui.
Drink Tea

Firstly, Place a cup upon Ong Ngui, then flip it over so tea from Ong Ngui flow into cup. This part will help Ong Ngui to keep smell and Cup to keep flavor.

Secondly, Use both hands to hold Ong Ngui, pass it by to your nose to enjoy tea smell.

Last, While enjoying tea, hold the cup with 3 fingers. It’s “Three dragon hold Pearl”
Panyaro – Korea
Chado in Korea stress in “Simple” word. They prefer the Simple and Natural in the ceremony. Less dogmatic, more freedom for relaxing and creating mind in a drinking style.
Tea Brewing Tools

Brew Tea

First, Use wood spoon to scoop tea into the pot. Panyaro in Korea use a very special kind of green tea. A mixture of powder and flatten tea leaves.

Second, Boiling water first poured into decanter to lower the heat about 65 to 70 degrees. Then pour it into the pot

Finally, Pour the tea slowly into each cup, divided the cup into 3 part, 1/3 cup a time.