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Afternoon Tea Hotel

Afternoon tea is the most quintessential of English customs. Surprisingly, it is a relatively new tradition. Not until the mid 19th century that English afternoon tea’ first appeared. The tradition emerged in Britain when Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford, reputedly invented the light meal between lunch and dinner. Then this practice became a fashionable social event. Today, luxury hotels across the globe continue to embrace the ritual. So, we can call it is hotel tea. Afternoon Tea Hotel is a fancy royal party for your interest. If you are looking for afternoon tea worth raising a cup to, here are a few recommendations.

afternoon tea hotel

Teas Using For Afternoon Tea Hotel

Black Tea

Black tea has a full and robust flavour. Therefore the foods can go best with it ideally. If you don’t want one flavour to dominate the other, try varieties of black tea. Teas such as Ceylon and Darjeeling, which have smooth and citrusy flavour, perfectly enhance sweet desserts such as a cheesecake. The flavour of Darjeeling is the perfect complement to a creamy dessert such as trifle or even an éclair. The richness of tea’s flavour and the cream also work so well together. These kinds of tea are suitable for Afternoon Tea Hotel.

Green Tea

Green tea has a subtle vegetative flavour. It makes the perfect companion to mild flavoured foods such as seafood, chicken or a stir fry. Assam Green have a fresh grassy flavour. So it will work well with a sandwich or salmon blini.

Oolong Tea

The more complex flavour of oolong makes it pretty much an all-rounder for finding food to pair it with. Oolong tea is a safe choice for your Aftenoon Hotel Tea for your difficult guests. Lighter oolongs such as Vietnamese Oolong have a wonderfully fragrant and aromatic aroma. Try it to make a little bit different pair with a salty savoury snack. It is also intersting to enjoy the contrast of tastes.

Herbal Tea

Herbal teas are caffeine-free infusions. When considering whether or not to pair a herbal infusion with your afternoon tea fare, ask yourself, “Would I ever use herbal ingredient in this dish?”. You’ll likely find that herbs are great with a range of finger sandwiches, fruity sweets and chocolatey sweets. Delicate teas such as Chamomile Tea, Lavender Tea and Rose Tea are ideal for your afternoon tea if you want to keep your snacks light and refreshing.


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Nguyễn Xuân Đức
Nguyễn Xuân Đức
Articles: 41

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